Giving Items

Learn how to give each item within the plugin.

Command Aliases: eliteenchantments, eliteenchantment, ee

Notice: All commands can be executed by players that are opped or have the * permission.




Holy Whitescroll

/ee giveitem <player> <item> [amount]

/ee giveitem Test holy-whitescroll 1


/ee giveitem <player> <item> [amount]

/ee giveitem Test whitescroll 1

Soul Gem

/ee giveitem <player> <item> [soul amount] [amount]

/ee giveitem Test soul-gem 500 1


/ee giveitem <player> <item> <percent> [amount]

/ee giveitem Test Blackscroll random 1


/ee giveitem <player> <item> <group> [amount]

/ee giveitem Test Randomizer ELITE 1

Godly Transmog

/ee giveitem <player> <item> [amount]

/ee giveitem Test godly-transmog 1 1


/ee giveitem <player> <item> [amount]

/ee giveitem Test transmog 1

Item Name Tag

/ee giveitem <player> <item> [amount]

/ee giveitem Test item-nametag 1 1

Upgrade Orb

/ee giveitem <player> <item> <type> <slots> <percent>

/ee giveitem Test upgrade-orb weapon 1 100 /ee giveitem Test upgrade-orb armor 1 100

Magic Dust

/ee givedust <player> <type> <group> <percent> [amount]

/ee givedust Test magic ELITE 5 1

Secret Dust

/ee givedust <player> <type> <group> <percent> <percentMax> [amount]

/ee givedust Test secret ELITE 1 10 1

Omni Magic Dust

/ee givedust <player> <type> <percent> [amount]

/ee givedust Test omni-magic 5 1

Omni Secret Dust

/ee givedust <player> <type> <percent> <percentMax> [amount]

/ee givedust Test omni-secret 1 10 1

Specific Enchantment Book

/ee givebook <player> <enchantment> <level> [success-rate]

/ee givebook Test shadow-assassin 5 100

Unopened Enchantment Book

/ee giveunopenedbook <player> <group>

/ee giveunopenedbook Test ELITE

Last updated

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