Developer API

The Developer API for EliteEnchantments.

You can access the EliteEnchantmentsAPI by doing the following: EliteEnchantmentsAPI.getAPI(). then the method from below

    public CustomEnchant getEnchant(String enchant);
    public ItemStack applyEnchant(ItemStack itemStack, CustomEnchant customEnchant, int level);

    public ItemStack applyEnchant(ItemStack itemStack, CustomEnchant customEnchant, int level, boolean force);

    public EnchantGroup getEnchantGroup(CustomEnchant customEnchant);

    public EnchantGroup getEnchantGroup(String group);

    public List<CustomEnchant> getEnchantsInGroup(String group);

    public final void registerEffects(Class<? extends CustomEffect>... effects);

    public void registerConditions(Condition... conditions);

    public EnchantItemController getEnchantItemController();

There is also a couple of custom events you can listen to:





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